The Importance of Well-Child Visits

The Importance of Well-Child Visits

It’s easy to think about taking your child to the pediatrician when they’re sick. But well visits are just as important, giving your child the care and support they need to stay healthy throughout a period of rapid growth and development.

At Nevada Pediatric Specialists in Henderson and Las Vegas, Nevada, our team offers comprehensive well-child services for infants, kids, teens, and young adults. Here are four reasons why it’s vitally important to make sure your child sees their pediatrician on a regular basis.


One of the most important reasons to have routine well visits for your child is to help prevent diseases and other problems. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides a list of recommended immunizations to give your child’s immune system the tools it needs to fight off serious and even life-threatening illnesses, like measles and mumps. Our team keeps abreast of immunization recommendations to help your child stay healthy.

In addition, our team can provide guidance about diet, physical exercise, and home safety issues to keep your child protected and healthy throughout their growing years. Routine visits also give your child’s doctor a chance to look for subtle signs of problems so they can be diagnosed and treated as early as possible.

Growth and development

Part of prevention involves tracking your child’s growth, including their physical, emotional, and social development. Well-child visits give you and your pediatrician vital information that can ensure your child receives the right care and support at every stage of development at home, in school, and in other settings.

During well visits, your child’s doctor evaluates your child’s physical, emotional, and social development and compares those results with aggregate data and established milestones to identify potential issues. Your pediatrician also asks about sleep patterns, emotional wellness, and habits that can give key insights into your child’s growth.

Support network

Raising a child isn’t always easy, and having a skilled, compassionate pediatrician on your team can help you manage the stresses and challenges successfully. Having regular well visits is one of the best ways to build a lasting, trusting relationship with your doctor so you and your child feel comfortable sharing issues and seeking care whenever it’s needed. 

Plus, by establishing good health habits early on, well-child visits can help set the stage for better health and better habits in your child’s adult years, too. And, of course, our providers can recommend specialists when needed to provide additional care for your child’s health and wellness.

School and sports

In addition to regular well-child visits, our team offers sports physicals to make sure young athletes are ready for the rigors of practice and competition. We also watch for problems that could be interfering with school performance and social skills, including issues that could make it harder for your child to make friends. 

When was your child’s last visit?

Your child’s provider is dedicated to helping your child live a healthy life, and they can provide guidance and education to help your child thrive. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends annual well-child visits beginning at age 3. For infants and toddlers, more frequent visits are recommended. 

To schedule a well-child visit, book an appointment online or call the Nevada Pediatric Specialists office convenient to you today.

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