My Child Has Asthma. Now What?

More than 6 million kids in the United States have asthma, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, but if your child is newly diagnosed, you still may feel alone and unsupported. Nevertheless, plenty of parents (and kids) have navigated a new diagnosis of asthma with ease and confidence.

The team at Nevada Pediatric Specialists wants you to be one of them. With practices in Las Vegas and Henderson, Nevada, our team provides asthma  treatment, education, and resources to help you and your child develop a unique care plan tailored to your child’s needs.

If your child has recently been diagnosed with asthma, here’s what you can do to stay on top of your child’s condition and manage it successfully.

Start with an asthma action plan

An asthma action plan can help you and your child learn how to identify triggers and manage symptoms when they occur. Depending on your child’s needs, the action plan may include: 

Share the plan with your child’s school nurse, teachers, and coaches to ensure they get immediate and appropriate care when it’s needed.

Identify triggers

Triggers are substances or other factors that aggravate asthma, making symptoms worse. Asthma shares a lot of the same symptoms as allergies, including smoke, pollen, animal dander, and mold.

But asthma has other triggers, too, like physical activity, weather changes, and even a common cold. Once you figure out your child’s triggers, it can make managing asthma — and avoiding flare-ups — a lot easier. 

Know how to use medications

Most kids (and adults) with asthma need to use an inhaler to help manage symptoms; some use other medications, as well. Inhalers contain medication designed to open irritated airways.

Some inhalers are used on a regular basis to manage symptoms, while others are only used during an attack, when symptoms become more severe. Make sure you and your child understand how and when each medication is used, and call the office if you have any questions or concerns.

Learn to recognize the signs of a flare-up

If your child has recently been diagnosed, you might not know what to expect when symptoms flare up. By looking for early signs of a flare-up — like wheezing or coughing, for instance — you and your child can be prepared to adjust medication as needed to prevent symptoms from becoming worse.

Know what to do in a severe attack

If your child has an asthma flare-up, monitor those symptoms carefully and have rapid-acting medication on hand and ready to dispense. It’s also critical to understand when it’s time to call the doctor or head to the ER for care.

Ensure your child gets an annual flu vaccine

Because the flu virus attacks the lungs and airways, just like asthma, catching the flu can make your child’s asthma symptoms worse. In fact, it may even increase the likelihood of a severe flare-up. You can get your child’s flu shot at our office.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends an annual flu vaccine for people of all ages, including kids ages 6 months and up.

Don’t skip annual checkups

As your child grows, triggers and symptoms can change, and that means their treatment plan can change, too. Having an annual well child exam — and scheduling follow-up appointments when needed — is important for making sure your child’s care stays up-to-date with their needs.

Help your child manage asthma successfully

As a top pediatric care practice in Las Vegas and Henderson, Nevada Pediatric Specialists offers custom asthma care designed just for your child. Make us a part of your asthma action team, and let us help you and your child learn how to manage asthma symptoms successfully and confidently.

To schedule an office visit for your child, give us a call or book an appointment online.

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